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Account Activation Policy

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Account Activation Policy

Postby Admin » Sun Apr 08, 2012 8:55 pm

Greetings Everyone!

Account Activation Procedure
Activating your account is pretty simple as we have enabled the registrations for all users with a referral activation code via their respective e-mails. Which means, the users who are registering into this forum; have to wait for activation link (which might take up to few minutes). Once you have received the registration link via e-mail, then you have to completed the registration by clicking on that link or by copying and pasting it into the web-browser address bar. Thereafter, you'll be able to log-in to the board using the registered user name and password. By any-chance, If you don't see any mails on your mail Inbox.. please check for the mail at you Junk/Spam folder on the same.

Log-in Issues & Forgot password
If you're finding difficulties to log-in to the board; make sure that the user name and password entered are correct. If so, you can select "I forgot my password" option in order to retrieve your log-in details. While selecting the option make sure that you know your user name and e-mail address where you used to create the account.

Special Notes
:!: All your accounts needs to be activated within 48 Hours by yourselves, since when you registered to the community.
:!: Accounts which are failed to activate within the time limit will be removed/deleted completely from our Database.
:!: Users will need to re-register them-selves & activate via the received e-mail in order to benefit the forum features.
:!: Spammers will be deleted/removed every week manually. Therefore, do no
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